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COVID-19 Awareness

Dear Members,

Blackrock College RFC is monitoring the Irish Government’s information and advice on Coronavirus. Up to date information can be found on the HSE Ireland website: LINK.

The Club requests that Members and guests of the club who have recently returned from or transited through a high risk area, (which currently includes: The Peoples Republic of China, Iran, Italy, Japan, Germany, Spain or the Republic of Korea, others may apply in future days and months), do not visit the Club for 14 days after their return. Members are also asked to advise the Club if they are diagnosed as having contracted Coronavirus or have been in close proximity with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus and have recently visited the Club.

We would ask that Members and guests also practice safe hygiene measures when visiting Stradbrook, by washing their hands regularly, using the Club’s hand sanitizers, coughing and sneezing into tissues and disposing of them immediately. Also, if you're feeling unwell, we ask that you please avoid visiting Blackrock College RFC.

IRFU Statement Regarding Upcoming Club Fixtures:

"At present the HSE and Public Health Authorities have not advised cancellation of sporting fixtures due to the Coronavirus outbreak. If this decision is made at any stage the IRFU will issue a statement. For now, fixtures should continue as normal.

If your club is contacted on a local basis directly from HSE/ Public Health officials regarding fixtures then please adhere to this guidance and inform the IRFU and your provincial branch immediately.

If you have any concerns regarding a potential Coronavirus case in your club please contact the HSE for advice on 1850 24 1850.

Anyone with symptoms of coronavirus who has been in close contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days should:

isolate themselves from other people - this means going into a different, well-ventilated room alone, with a phone

phone their GP, or emergency department

in a medical emergency (if you have severe symptoms) phone 112 or 999"

The Club will keep you updated if there are any changes to this policy.

Thank you for your adherence to these issues.

Kind regards

Executive Committee

Blackrock College RFC

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