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AGM Agenda

The AGM will take place on Wednesday, 29th May 2019 at the clubhouse at Stradbrook at 730pm. All members who are up to date on their subs are invited to attend.


1. Apologies 2. Minutes from AGM 2018 3. Executive Committee/Chairman’s Report. Election of Chairman 4. Financial Report: (a) accounts y/e 30/04/2019 (b) budget 2019/2020 5. Rugby Report 6. Motions 7. Election of President 8. Election of Vice President 9. Election of Junior Vice President 10. Election of Honorary Secretary 11. Election of Honorary Treasurer 12. Election of Executive Committee 13. Election of Honorary Auditors 14. Presentation of Union Shield and Rosa Kelly trophies 15. A.O.B.


Recognising that there is a positive obligation on BCRFC to promote and reflect equality and inclusiveness as core principles of the game of rugby football, the Executive Committee have agreed that Rule No. 2 of the Club’ Rules should be amended as follows:

CURRENT RULE 2: OBJECTS The Objects of the Club are to play and foster the game of Rugby Football.

PROPOSED RULE 2: OBJECTS The Objects of the Club are to play and foster the game of Rugby Football “and to prevent discrimination of any kind in the game of Rugby against a private person, or groups of people on account of ethnic origin, gender, language, religion, politics or any other reason".

Proposer: Declan Gardiner Seconded: Declan Carroll

A physical copy of the agenda and motion for AGM can be found on the notice board at Blackrock College RFC.

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